How to upload files to DirectShare

How to upload files to DirectShare


  1. Please log in to directshare.aofoundation.org

  2. To access the correct workspace, go to switch event


    and then click on the corresponding event


  3. Double click to open a folder
    An event has 4 folders - you might see less, depending on your role as faculty.

    chairpersononly → accessible for Chair(s), Co-Chair(s) and event staff only
    facultyonly → only accessible for all faculty and event staff
    final → only accessible for event staff and faculty. For faculty this folder is read only.
    shared → accessible for event staff, contributors, participants

  4. Ensure file naming follows the naming convention
    Before uploading the file, please make sure the file name is as followed:

    Time from_Time to_ Assignment title_your last name
    e.g. 0800-0815-Cementless fixation-Mueller

  5. Upload files via drag and drop or by selecting Upload


For Davos Courses please ensure that presentations are in the pptx format.

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