How to review a disclosure

How to review a disclosure



Access the review page

As a reviewer, you have to way of accessing a disclosure review page:

  1. You will receive an email every time a review is needed. In this email you will find a button “Disclosure Review”. If you click on it, you will be redirected to the review page.

  1. When you log in on AO Dashboard, you will see the open disclosure review in the “Open Items” section. You simply have to click on it to access the review page.



Review disclosures

  1. Navigate to the disclosure review page on AO Dashboard (see section above)

  2. You’ll find 3 sections:

    1. Ready to review: contains the contributors you need to review

    2. Review complete: contains the contributors you already reviewed

    3. Awaiting invite response: contains the contributors invited to the event but who did not accept the invitation yet (meaning they did not updated the disclosures yet either)

  1. Open the Ready to review section

  2. Click on the arrow next to the contributor(s) name to display his disclosures

  3. Select a resolution for each disclosure

  4. Click on “Complete review” when you are done



Steps in video:

review disclosure.mp4


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