VCOT by Thieme

VCOT by Thieme

There are different ways how you can access VCOT as AO VET Member Plus, either via your AO Dashboard or directly the website:

 AO Dashboard Access

Please follow the upcoming instruction to access your Membership Benefits via your Dashboard.

  1. Log in on https://aofnd.my.site.com/ao/s/

  2. Click Privileges, Member privileges, AO VET Member Plus and then Online access to VCOT


  3. The publishers site will be opened in a separate tab and you are logged in via AO Foundation

Via Institutional Access

Please follow the upcoming instruction to access your Membership Benefits via Institutional log-in.

  1. On https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/all/home.html , click the Login button, then choose OpenAthens/Shibboleth Login:


  2. Switch to the Simplified search for Institution:


  3. Search for the AO and select it to get to our log in window.


  4. You will be redirected to our Log in Window and can log in using your e-mail address or mobile number

A successful log in can be recognized by the AO logo and your subscribed content becoming visible:


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