Global Spine Journal access

Global Spine Journal access

There are different ways how you can access the Global Spine Journal as AO Spine Member and AO Spine Member Plus

 AO Dashboard Access

Please follow the upcoming instruction to access your Membership Benefits via your Dashboard.

  1. Log in on https://aofnd.my.site.com/ao/s/

  2. Click Privileges, Member privileges, AO Spine Member/AO Spine Member Plus and then Global Spine Journal Open access



  3. https://journals.sagepub.com/home/gsj will be opened in a separate tab and you are logged in via AO Foundation

A successful log in can be recognized by the AO Foundation label on top right side of the browser window:


Via Institutional Access

Please follow the upcoming instruction to access your Membership Benefits via Institutional log-in.

  1. On https://journals.sagepub.com/home/gsj , click the Access/Profile button, then choose View access options


  2. Choose the option to Access the content via and Institution:

  3. Search for the AO Foundation and select it to get to our log in window.

  4. You will be redirected to our Log in Window and can log in using your e-mail address or mobile number.

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